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Bahawalpur Zoo Website

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Bahawalpur Zoo Website is a recreational and educational platform with virtual archiving of the information about animals at the Bahawalpur Zoo. In 2019 this group of design academics undertook the design and education of  a project of  Way Finding and Information Signage for Bahawalpur Zoo in collaboration with the District Government of Bahawalpur. Inspiration for the visual identity for the Wayfinding project came from the decorative motifs sheared onto camels in the Cholistan region of Pakistan.  The project was accepted for Jameel Prize 6 in the graphic design category. Furthermore, a paper documenting the reactive process of the wayfinding project has also been accepted for publication in JAEP (Journal for Art Education of Pakistan) first edition.

Image 1: Camel shearing motifs

Icon development for Way Finding and Information Signage for Bahawalpur Zoo


Final set of Icons developed for Way Finding and Information Signage for Bahawalpur Zoo

This extension of the Bahawalpur Zoo project into a website builds upon the concept of social education through digital interaction. The core ideology behind compilation of existing zoo data into this hyperactive medium reflects the theory of community of practices in which socio-cultural context relates to the inspiration of cultural roots and traditions. This contemporary approach towards communication design is also directly related to what socio-cultural theory suggests, that human learning is largely based on the interaction of people and the culture in which they live. Website and modern day technology is a cultural means to make learning available for a larger audience that spans across people from various walks of life. As such it instigates self – learning, memory while capturing the attention of visitors which include school going children, college and university students and their families, thus enhancing their cognitive development.

Project Details

Client: Romson Inc.


Category: Khoj

Date: 25 Feb. 2017

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