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KHOJ | The Act of Seeking

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Design Research Residency

Khoj was a remote Design Research Residency initiated to encourage a culture of practice based research in design academia. Often design practice and its teaching is oriented towards the market. While this is a highly important segment of the design practice, it tends to dominate curriculum, structures and pedagogy, tending to marginalize discourse around socio-cultural relevance, ecology, sustainability ethics, etc. while also excluding other areas of design interest or practice the faculty might have. Khoj aims to facilitate faculty who have an orientation towards research based design practice enabling them to bring their projects and interests to fruition. Proposals invited fell under the following themes:

1.Ecology and sustainability

2.Materiality and making

3.Historical and contemporary design practices/interdisciplinary practice

4.Design/ed pedagogies

There were two cycles of the residency, each 3 months and 2 months long. During the residency, grantees worked on research based creative projects of a diverse nature while being mentored by a pool of academics and practitioners. We hope the outcome of the Khoj – Design Research Residency will be able to provide the stimulus to expanding conceptions of design research and its application and creating a better profile for the local design academia in national and international design domains.
